Fees and Policies

Η θεραπευτική μου δραστηριότητα πραγματοποιείται  ON LINE

My fee starts from 50 euros/ 50 minutes and is escalated for all other services I provide.

The session takes place on a specific fixed day & time of the week and given the unexpectedness of life, I accept cancellations within twenty-four hours of the prearranged appointment, retaining the right to charge otherwise with flexibility and discretion.
Παράλληλα παρέχω συνεδρίες διάρκειας 60 λεπτών στις οποίες εργαζόμαστε με την εξής προοπτική:
  • Working exlclusively on Personal DreamWork
  • As a reinforcement, in case there is a need for support for a significant reason outside our already formed framework.
  • For someone in need to focus on a major difficulty aimed at clarity.
My experience so far has guided me in my therapeutic practice to believe that a one /off session is not sufficient. However, there are some individual cases that if I am asked to offer a one-off session and I sense that it could be beneficial, I will offer it without any further hesitation.